Mind, Body, &

Spiritual Healing

  • Through the use of psychological assessment and therapeutic interventions such as Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), we can restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit. NET is a Mind-Body technique similar to EMDR that allows for the release and healing of unresolved emotional stress stored in the body.

  • Any interventions, psychospritual-education and analysis will be grounded in Scriptural Truth. Frequently, we will reference scripture and provide scriptural-based encouragement for your continued healing through the Living Word. On occasion, relevant scripture will be prescribed for your private meditation and continued healing outside of our sessions.

  • We will open and close out every session with prayer. Inviting the Holy Spirit to guide us in identifying the area the Lord is calling into healing. We will then conclude with giving thanks for the relief and renewal of our mind, body, & spirit through His grace. On occasion, structured prayers will be prescribed to aid in the continued healing process.

What is Neuro-Emotional Technique?

NET is a mind-body technique similar to EMDR. NET helps to identify and clear unresolved emotional issues stored in the body's nervous system allowing for an improved sense of well-being through reducing physical and emotional pain, creating mental clarity, enhancing performance, and increasing overall wellness.

NET is an excellent intervention for those struggling with ongoing trauma, negative self-beliefs, and psychosomatic symptoms that are preventing them from making the progress they desire in their lives.

How Does it Work?

The link between the mind and body is complex, yet undeniable. Many studies have demonstrated that our thoughts have a profound effect on our physical health and wellbeing. For example, when we are stressed or anxious, it can manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, and more. Conversely, maintaining a positive mindset can help to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health.

The connection between mental and physical health is not one-way; our bodies can also influence how we think and feel. Physical activity releases endorphins which can help to lift mood, regulate emotions, and reduce symptoms of depression or anxiety. Other lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep, and relationships can also have a significant effect on our mental health and wellbeing.

A popular example of the mind-body connection is the physiological response of reflecting on the memory of biting into a lemon. Imagine you’re holding onto a lemon wedge. Now visualize that you are feeling and smelling the lemon. Once you have this picture in your head, squeeze some of the juice into your mouth and take a BIG bite of the lemon wedge. In most instances, your mouth is likely starting to salivate. This is an example of a physiological response to the memory of a lemon. Similarly, our emotional responses can be stimulated with the memory of a past unresolved stressful event. The more we understand the mind-body connection, the better equipped we are to nurture our mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

What Should I Expect from a NET treatment?

Shannon Centore is a NET Practitioner. She has successfully completed all levels of training and passed the certification exam for Neuro Emotional Technique. In receiving NET from Shannon, you should expect a combination of the foundational principles of NET blended with her spiritual approach.

The session will begin with taking a detailed history of the client’s physical and psychological condition, which can be achieved through a traditional psychotherapy interview or muscle testing techniques. During this process, Shannon will help the client identify any unresolved emotions or trauma stored in the body by using personal declarative statements such as “I am okay with letting go of my anxiety” (the mind connection) to muscle testing (the body connection) to determine whether you are in alignment and congruent with the test statement. If you are non-congruent, Shannon will help the client access these emotions and release them by using the mind-body connection of muscle testing, psychodynamic based approach to therapeutic processing, and prayer.