Our Method:

The Trinity of Health

  • Using a blend of traditional psychotherapy techniques applied from a Christian-lens, we can renew our minds to live in balance with our body and spirit to reach our fullest potential.

  • Through a combination of the Transformational Spirituality Model and the mind-body healing from Neuro-Emotional-Technique, we can restore our body from its current state of psychosomatic symptoms to live in harmony with our mind and spirit.

  • From gaining insight and understanding to Scriptural Truth, the practice of our Faith, and our walk with Christ, we can revive our relationship with our Creator allowing Him to redeem the order of our mind, body, and spirit.

Outcome-Based Care

The Spiritual MFT is excited to announce that we have partnered with Blueprint Health to continue providing high-quality mental health care in Philadelphia, PA.

Blueprint is a digital service that allows our patients to complete assessments and submit therapist-monitored journals about their mental health in between sessions and on their own time via their phone or web browser.

The journal feature allows clients to update their therapist in between sessions, thus resolving the time spent updating your therapist on the “happenings” of your week before getting into the deep therapeutic work. This feature allows us to jump right in and get to work, making the most out of your sessions.

The Spiritual MFT uses this information from Blueprint to obtain a better understanding of patients' mental health and wellness through moods and symptoms tracking/reporting. In this way, we are able to make sure that therapy is progressing as expected and that patients are meeting their treatment goals and objectives.

Active clients of The Spiritual MFT receive a complimentary subscription to BluePrint Health as part of their treatment plan.

Our Mission

We at the Spiritual MFT are passionate about healing individuals, couples, marriages, and families through the powerful combination of psychology, scripture, and prayer.

We are dedicated to providing education and psychotherapy from a Christian lens for the repair of psychospiritual issues and soul care. Our Christian values focus on respect, empathy, compassion, and kindness for all. We are determined to research, educate, and support all those who have suffered from religious trauma and re-setting the foundation for what our community and lifestyle rooted in Christian values was intended to be. 

We are dedicated to donating 10% of proceeds to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as part of our commitment to tithing and rebuilding a community of worship. 

We invite you to join us in our mission to create a welcoming and transformative space through Jesus Christ for all.